Your data is your product?
I can support your brand with engaging data assets.
Your data is more than just numbers – it's your product. And you want it to reach as many people as possible.I can help you level up your growth strategy with data videos, data documents and data web apps optimized for engagement on social.

Check out how that could look

Hi, I am Lorenzo.
Let's find out how we can showcase your data in a way that resonates with your target audience.
With my freelancing and consulting work, I help businesses leverage the power of data visualization, design, and data storytelling to captivate their target audience, drive engagement, and ultimately achieve their marketing goals.
  • Web Apps
  • Data Visualizations
  • Reports & Infographics
  • Video Assets & Social Images

Organizations I've worked with & for

Intrigued?Let's explore how I can help you create powerful assets to increase the reach of your data product.
1. Data videos
To communicate data-driven insights in an engaging and shareable way.
2. Data documents
To efficiently present and share complex data sets.
3. Data web apps
To showcase your data in an interactive and user-friendly web way, optimized to feed into your social network strategy.